
40k drop pod alternative
40k drop pod alternative

They see a well-dressed, well groomed, very formal and literate educator in the halls. However, my students usually are stunned. Several of them tell me that they either played as well or have husbands/brothers/friends that do. Most people I work with aren’t that surprised when they first learn I am a gamer it seems that it is a hobby fairly popular among teachers. I teach in the Michigan public school system, so, aside from the time I spend with my family and friends, I associate mostly with teachers and students. I ardently feel that every lesson one can learn in life can be found in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I collect comic books, listen to Rush, can recite the Pirates of Penzance and the Music Man verbatim along with Star Wars, Empire, and Jedi. I have read “The Art of War” for its insight into military tactics, not business. In fact, I have written a course on science fiction and fantasy literature and its impact as a literary genre. However, if you get to know me, you will begin to see the inner geek shining through. I am a sports fanatic (especially for the Red Wings, Tigers and Wolverines), I play bass in a punk rock/metal cover band, I am comfortable in front of a crowd, and I am not afraid to speak to the fairer sex. Outwardly, I fit few of the typical gamer stereotypes I wear a shirt and tie to work, I’m slightly overweight, but my clothes fit, I bathe regularly, use deodorant liberally, and I am married to a beautiful woman who has never played a wargame in her life. The question so many people ask me when they find out I am a wargamer is “Why?” I think I confuse them. Much of their armament has been appropriated from near by Chapters and is still undergoing retrofitting and repainting in Void Hounds colors (hence the varied color schemes in some elements of the force). The remaining marines are battle hardened veterans. However, their willingness to recruit across the Segmentum has allowed them to swell the ranks of the scout company to nearly three times the size of most chapters. As a result, the current roster of the chapter has been reduced to fewer than five complete companies. The chapter found itself on the brink of destruction, strategically regrouping deeper towards the galactic core to rebuild and refit. With the power of the Hive Mind behind it, Behemoth had no fear of the shock-and-awe tactics the void Hounds had favored for a millennium. The principles of Entropy-Bases Warfare had little effect on a force which can turn the very planet it invades into a veritable supply depot. Unfortunately, through their constant patrolling of the eastern fringe, the Void Hounds were one of the first Chapters to encounter the truly alien mind of Tyranid Hive Fleet Behemoth.

40k drop pod alternative